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‘Luxury condo’ is a slur the left wing needs to drop if it wants to help the housing crisis

When the NDP and old guard left use the phrase "luxury condo" to disparage new housing, it damages themselves as much as the housing movement.

3 min to read
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Condo construction.JPG

Phrases like "luxury condos" can drum up support for the NDP, but the collateral damage is new housing support.

What is luxury?

To some it’s a Tuscan villa, a fancy SUV, or VIP bottle service at a club. For a lot of the old guard left, though, luxury is a tiny box in the sky called a condo.

Shawn Micallef is a Toronto-based writer and a freelance contributing columnist for the Star. Follow him on Twitter: @shawnmicallef.

Shawn Micallef
Shawn Micallef is a freelance contributing columnist who writes about where and how we live in the GTA. Wander the streets with him on Twitter.

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