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How the federal Liberals can stay in power

First, jettison Justin Trudeau forthwith! He is finished, writes Craig Wallace

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Justin Trudeau in Pickering

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets members of the Pickering Caribbean-Canadian Cultural Association Thursday in Pickering. He has simply too much baggage. The sooner he is gone the better, Craig Wallace writes.

If a federal election was held today, polls indicate the Conservative Party of Canada, led by Pierre Poilievre would win a majority government. The current Liberal government could be decimated.

For the record, I have never once voted Liberal. I am a “Red Tory.” By that I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative. The Liberals hold no attraction for me. Nor do the Conservatives with their constant rage, and lack of coherent policies. I am not the only such Canadian voter out there who feels like I do. So, if anyone at Liberal party headquarters is wondering how to get our votes and possibly avoid an electoral catastrophe, here are a few ideas.

Craig Wallace is a Hamilton resident and author of five books.

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